Marock Safaris

1 review
Reviews: 1
Tour packages: 3 tours
Group, set date tours
Photos: 1
Main focus: Mid-range
Established: 2019
Headquarters: Kenya
English, Swahili

Offers tours in

Contact info

About Marock Safaris

We offer different types of tours to suit customers' choices ranging from budget, mid-range and luxury tours.

About our safari vehicles

We offer both a van with a pop-up roof as well as 4x4 Landcruiser
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"Perfect experience"

By: Marock
Kenya Kenya
0 kudus
Photos (0)
Reviews (1)
Visited: Aug. 2020 Reviewed: Mar. 29, 2021 Submitted in:

The best tour operator for your Kenyan safari. I travelled to Samburu, Lake Nakuru and Maasai Mara on a 6 days safari organized by this company and I cannot regret it. It was just amazing! Thank you Mathew and the team for making a memorable trip to us. Quick responses to questions and best organizers of safaris! I recommend this company.

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Kenya
0People gave this
a kudu

 Like this review? Go on, give it a kudu!
By: Marock
Kenya Kenya
Countries visited:
Visited: Aug. 2020
Reviewed: Mar. 29, 2021

0People gave this
a kudu

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YAScore: 55/100
Based on 1 review

Overall rating
Cleanliness of vehicle
Meet and greet team
Quality of itinerary
Responsiveness of staff

Latest photos (1)

Photo taken at Amboseli National Park, Kenya by
Marock Safaris Amboseli National Park, Kenya
15 Mar 2021" data-fresco-id="30347" data-fresco-photo-url="" data-fresco-title="" data-fresco-kudu-count="0" data-fresco-options="ui: 'inside'" data-caption=""Home of the African Elephant" Amboseli National Park <p class='mt-auto'><br><span class='onlypopup popup-inline'>Photo taken at <i>Amboseli National Park, Kenya</i> by <a href='/c/2385-marock-safaris/' target='_blank'>Marock Safaris</a></span> <span class='popup-none'>Amboseli National Park, Kenya</span><br> <i>15 Mar 2021</i>" data-index="1" data-fresco-group="unique_name">
"Home of the African Elephant" Amboseli National Park
Amboseli National Park, Kenya
15 Mar 2021