
30 reviews
Reviews: 30
Tour packages: 2 tours
Private, custom tours
Photos: 9
Main focus: Mid-range
Established: 2001
Headquarters: Tanzania
English, French

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About Asanterra

Asanterra (Afric'Aventure) is a little TO, tailor-making unforgettable safaris combining the off the beaten track's parks of Southern and Western Tanzania ( Nyerere National Park – ex Selous Game Reserve -, Ruaha National Park –the hidden gem of the country- , Mahale National Park – the best place to encounter the chimps in the wild-, Katavi National Park – probably the most remote park in Africa, …); but also unusual diving/beach holidays at Lake Tanganyika, or on paradise islands and islets of the Indian Ocean Islands like Mafia, Pemba, Fanjove... Our 20 years of experience allows us to assure that we offer excellent services and smooth operations to all those wild and/or remote destinations. Truly independent, we select camps and lodges for their comfort, their service, their exclusivity and their intimacy and we visit them regularly to keep updated. We are responsive from the 1st email up to the return home of (y)our clients. We’ll create with you the unique safari (y)our

About our safari vehicles

The travels we offer are organized with flying transfers between parks as according to us, Southern Tanzania’s roads are quite long, often bad, and therefore road transfers are lost hours and even worse: lost days. In another hand, flying transfers offer the advantage of enjoying special build vehicles for game drive in the parks (not a bus or a 4wd with an open roof), as well as guides knowing particularly well their park and its fauna, birdlife and flora.

"Séjour à Mikumi et Selous en Juin 2024"

By: Puma
France France
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Reviews (3)
Visited: Jun. 2024 Reviewed: Sep. 06, 2024 Submitted in:

This was our 5th stay in the reserves of southern Tanzania, and the 4th in a row prepared by Asanterra.
We knew from the start precisely what we wanted and ASANTERRA put everything together perfectly as usual.
Even imponderables such as variations in plane schedules were managed very quickly.
Anne was waiting for us as usual as soon as the formalities were over and the luggage was received. She even found a way to send us the bush plane tickets that I had forgotten to the hotel... Thanks to her. It was a nice kind of safari where we enjoyed forgetting the outside world and all our worries. Thank you Asanterra.
We stayed 3 nights at Vuma Hills Camp in MiKumi, then 8 nights at Lake Manze camp.

C'était notre 5eme séjour dans les réserves du Sud de la Tanzanie, et le 4eme consécutif préparé par Asanterra.
Nous savions au départ ce que nous souhaitions précisément et ASANTERRA a tout mis en forme de façon parfaite comme à l'habitude .
Même les impondérables comme les variations d'horaires d'avions ont été gérés très rapidement .
Anne nous attendais comme à son habitude dès la fin des formalités et réception des bagages . Elle a même trouvé moyen de nous faire parvenir à l'hôtel les billets d'avion de brousse que j'avais oubliés ... Merci à elle . Ce fut bel genre de safari ou on profite en oubliant le monde extérieurs et tous les soucis . Merci Asanterra .
Nous avons séjourné 3 nuits au Vuma Hills Camp de MiKumi, puis 8 Nuits au Lake Manze camp .

MERCI Anne et Asanterra .
Alain et Joëlle France

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Countries visited: Tanzania
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By: Puma
France France
Countries visited:
Visited: Jun. 2024
Reviewed: Sep. 03, 2024

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"Expérience familiale extraordinaire"

France France
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Visited: Jun. 2024 Reviewed: Jul. 01, 2024 Submitted in:

We spent 8 days in paradise in the Ruaha and Nyerere parks thanks to the flawless organization of Anne Saels. The Mwagusi camp in Ruaha, very well located, is superb with very competent and passionate guides; small downside for the restoration. As for Selous Impala Camp in Nyerere, everything was perfect with a plus for the boat safaris.
Nous avons passé 8 jours au paradis dans les parcs de Ruaha et de Nyerere grâce à l'organisation sans faille de Anne Saels. Le camp de Mwagusi a Ruaha très bien placé est superbe avec des guides très compétents et passionnés ; petit bémol pour la restauration. Quant à Selous Impala Camp à Nyerere tout à été parfait avec un plus pour les safaris en bateau.

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Countries visited: Tanzania
1 Person gave this
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By: None
France France
Countries visited:
Visited: Jun. 2024
Reviewed: Jul. 01, 2024

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"Excellent safari to Ruaha and Selous"

United Kingdom United Kingdom
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Visited: Jul. 2022 Reviewed: Oct. 28, 2022 Submitted in:

We recently took our family of 9 to Ruaha and Selous with Afric'Aventure and we had an outstanding time. The two camps were very different but both were excellent. We definitely felt that our guides were knowledgeable and enthusiastic, always in search of something extraordinary to show us. Malcolm at Mdonya Old River Camp has a passion for the wildlife and Ruaha National Park that is infectious. He was a fascinating host and we enjoyed his company as well as all of his wonderful explanations. The daily/nightly visits by the elephants into camp added to the adventure!

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Countries visited: Tanzania
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
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Visited: Jul. 2022
Reviewed: Oct. 27, 2022

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"The opinion of a safari enthusiast"

By: SySi
Safari enthusiast
Switzerland Switzerland
2 kudus
Reviews (1)
Visited: Sep. 2022 Reviewed: Oct. 24, 2022 Submitted in:

Anne, from Afric'Aventure, perfectly met our expectations. The choice of camps, the itinerary and the organization were impeccable. The welcome in the camps, the food, the staff and the guides, everything was perfect. I recommend it.

Meet and greet team
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Countries visited: Tanzania
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By: SySi
Switzerland Switzerland
Countries visited: Botswana Namibia Rwanda Tanzania Zimbabwe
Visited: Sep. 2022
Reviewed: Oct. 24, 2022

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"Professionnalisme et chaleur humaine"

Belgium Belgium
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Visited: Sep. 2021 Reviewed: Sep. 20, 2021 Submitted in:

My goddaughter and I have just spent 8 wonderful days in Tanzania! Our trip in 4 stages - Zanzibar / Parc Ruaha / Parc Nyerere (ex-Selous) and Dar Es Salaam - was perfectly organized by Anne Saels of Africa'Aventures, a Tanzanian of Belgian origin. She knows her (new) country perfectly well and provided us with information and advice which made it possible to build a trip corresponding to all our desires for discovery.
From arriving in Zanzibar to leaving Dar Es Salaam, everything went admirably, without a hitch. Anne was never far away during our few requests for additional services that she solved very quickly, with a smile ...
A word of advice: go for this outstanding organizer who will be able to offer you a varied choice of trails to help you find the ones you will happily take, by jeep, plane or boat as was our case.


Ma filleule et moi venons de passer 8 jours merveilleux en Tanzanie ! Notre voyage en 4 étapes - Zanzibar/Parc Ruaha/Parc Nyerere (ex-Selous) et Dar Es Salaam - a parfaitement été organisé par Anne Saels d'Afric'Aventures, une Tanzanienne d'origine belge. Elle connaît parfaitement son (nouveau) pays et nous a prodigués informations et conseils qui ont permis de construire un voyage correspondant à toutes nos envies de découvertes.
Depuis l'arrivée à Zanzibar jusqu'au départ de Dar Es Salaam, tout s'est admirablement déroulé, sans aucun accroc. Anne n'était jamais loin lors de nos quelques demandes de services supplémentaires qu'elle a solutionnées très rapidement, avec le sourire...
Un conseil : foncez vers cette organisatrice hors pair qui saura vous proposer un choix varié de pistes afin de vous faire trouver celles que vous emprunterez avec bonheur, en jeep, en avion ou en bateau comme ce fût notre cas.

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Countries visited: Tanzania
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Belgium Belgium
Countries visited:
Visited: Sep. 2021
Reviewed: Sep. 20, 2021

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"15 jours vraiment super grâce à Afric'Aventure"

By: Justine
France France
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Visited: Aug. 2021 Reviewed: Aug. 26, 2021 Submitted in:

Back from 15 days between Zanzibar and Mafia Island, we could not ask for more for our stay. Anne knew how to understand our desires and our expectations, always very available whether by email or via Whatsapp, she then remained there throughout our trip. It was important for us to travel with a local agency, which knows the field, we were not wrong. Everything was organized with a master's hand, and we were taken care of as soon as we arrived, without having to worry about anything during our 15 days. We wholeheartedly thank Anne for having advised us MAFIA, indeed, seasoned divers, I think that we have rarely seen seabed still so beautiful and preserved, indeed I think that it is a destination still unknown and which does not only interests divers; A real favorite.
Anne was able to adapt to our last minute changes of mind, to small ups and downs during the trip without us being disturbed or even worried.
We highly recommend Afric'Aventure for its local knowledge, its seriousness, and for its commitment to satisfy its customers.

De retour de 15 jours entre Zanzibar et Mafia Island, nous ne pouvions rêver mieux pour notre séjour. Anne a su comprendre nos envies et nos attentes, toujours très disponible que ce soit par mail ou via Whatsapp, elle l'est ensuite restée tout au long de notre voyage. Il était important pour nous de voyager avec une agence locale, qui connait le terrain, nous ne nous sommes pas trompés. Tout a été organisé d'une main de maitre, et nous avons été pris en charge dès notre arrivée, sans avoir à se soucier de quoi que ce soit durant nos 15 jours. Nous remercions de tout cœur Anne pour nous avoir conseillé MAFIA, en effet, plongeurs aguerris, je pense que nous avons rarement vu des fonds marins encore aussi beaux et préservés, en effet je pense que c'est une destination encore méconnue et qui n'intéresse que les plongeurs; un vrai coup de cœur.
Anne a su s'adapter à nos changements d'avis de dernière minute, a des petits aléas durant le voyage sans que nous soyons dérangés voir même inquiets.
Nous recommandons grandement AFRIC'AVENTURE, pour sa connaissance sur place, son sérieux, et pour son engagement à satisfaire ses clients.

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Countries visited: Tanzania
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By: Justine
France France
Countries visited:
Visited: Aug. 2021
Reviewed: Aug. 26, 2021

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"Voor de echte Safari moet je hier zijn. Proficiat. "

Safari enthusiast
Belgium Belgium
9 kudus
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Did not go on this tour Reviewed: Oct. 30, 2020

With a group of 21 good friends we visited Mdonya Old River Camp and Selous, 8 days an unforgettable real Safari. Thank you Ann
Met een groep van 21 goeie vrienden bezochten wij Mdonya Old River Camp en Selous, 8 dagen een onvergetelijke echte Safari. Dank je Ann, zie de film op Groeten uit Belgium.

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Countries visited: Tanzania
9People gave this
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Belgium Belgium
Countries visited: South Africa Tanzania
Visited: Feb. 2019
Reviewed: Mar. 26, 2019

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"Ruaha the best national park in Tanzania! "

Safari enthusiast
Tanzania Tanzania
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Did not go on this tour Reviewed: Sep. 23, 2020

Flying into Ruaha there was an elephant on the airstrip and from that moment on our safari was magical. From amazing game, to impeccable service from Asilia Jabal Ridge Lodge, we did not want to leave!
The most amazing thing about this safari was we were with our friends and their 2 children, as well as our daughter, and they were taken care of, and felt safe, and excited at all times.
We are already planning our next safari adventure!

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Countries visited: Tanzania
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Tanzania Tanzania
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Sep. 2020
Reviewed: Sep. 23, 2020

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"Best safari experience ever in Ruaha"

By: Marloes
Safari enthusiast
Tanzania Tanzania
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Did not go on this tour Reviewed: Sep. 22, 2020

Our stay in Ruaha at Asilia was more than we could have wished for. In the preparation process Anne was always available to answer any questions or doubts and she arranged a safari completely adjusted to all our wishes. The staff at the lodge and the driver were very accommodating and knew we needed some food or a break before we did. The food was absolutely amazing and we enjoyed the balance of game drives and relaxing. The driver managed to spot a leopard we could not even see with binoculars and he took us to all the wildlife we wished for. All staff was amazing with the kids as well and made sure we could relax. I didn’t know a safari could be so exciting, relaxing, luxurious and adventurous at the same time. Thank you so much Anne!

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Countries visited: Tanzania
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By: Marloes
Tanzania Tanzania
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Sep. 2020
Reviewed: Sep. 22, 2020

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"My best vacation in Africa so far, mostly thanks to Afric'Aventure"

By: Sven
Safari enthusiast
Belgium Belgium
47 kudus
Reviews (1)
Visited: Apr. 2016 Reviewed: Sep. 22, 2020

I’ve travelled to Africa over 70 times, but this must have been the best organised trip of them all.

It was a two week trip with my wife and kids as well as our friends with their kids. We did 7 days on the main land (Tanzania) and 4 days on Zanzibar.

Anne and her team were just amazing.

The difference is in the details.
• Our pickups were always waiting for us at least 15 minutes before the pickup time
• The drivers were well-trained and spoke perfect English. One of them even spoke French and German, too.
• Hotels were reminded an hour before our arrival that we were on the way
• Birthday surprises for the kids were organised without us even asking for it
• The locations we stayed at were sooo much better then anything I’ve experienced before
o They were exclusive
o Not typical touristic
o Breathtaking
• All-in-all, it was a true Africa experience without the stress I’ve gotten used to as in Africa, you could expect delays, paperwork, mistakes,… but everything was just perfect on this trip.

It wasn’t the cheapest holiday I’ve had in Africa, but it was more than worth the money because:

Southern Tanzania isn’t very touristic and they want to keep it that way, so the park fees, hotels,… are a little more expensive then those in Kenya, South Africa,…

Therefore, when on safari, you hardly ever see another car. I’ve been on other safaris where it was hard to take a picture of a lion without another car on it. Not during this vacation!

You can really enjoy nature by immersing yourself in it.

At hotels,… (At least those booked by Africaventure) you don’t even notice the other tourists as is smaller, and set up in a way that you have your own space where you can enjoy everything around you. Of course, you can mingle and share experiences at the bar if you wish, but you’re never disturbed by noisy tourists.

When talking to some people we met whilst on safari, they told us stories that I couldn’t ever imagine happening on Anne’s watch.
One of them, when leaving on safari, had to pay extra to sit at a window seat in their safari jeep, as the rate only included a middle seat.
We had a jeep per family, am I glad we didn't pick the cheapest option!
I can’t tell you how amazed they were that our whole trip had been stress-free from arriving at Dar Es Salaam airport.

I could write pages on the simple things that Anne’s team at Africaventure took care of to make this a dream vacation.

For example, they always include a flying doctors contract in every vacation they organize. I didn’t even know this was included! Of course you hope to never need it, but it does feel reassuring that you can count on immediate help in case you get sick,or break a leg or something.

Africaventure’s personal touch was clear in everything.

I really want to thank Anne and her team at Africaventure for everything they’ve done!

Meet and greet team
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Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
14People gave this
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By: Sven
Belgium Belgium
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Apr. 2016
Reviewed: Apr. 29, 2016

14People gave this
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"Ruaha Park : que du bonheur !"

Safari enthusiast
France France
3 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Did not go on this tour Reviewed: Sep. 17, 2020

We just had a great time at Tandala Tented Camp. Everything was perfectly organized, the rooms were comfortable and spacious. With professional guides, we could, despite the season, see four of the big five. Seeing a leopard in full pursuit was the highlight. During this time of year, the foliage is dense, but it makes for gorgeous scenery!
Afric'aventure and Anne are perfect for French visitors!


Venons de passer un super séjour au Tendala tented Camp. Tout était parfaitement organisé et la chambre confortable et spacieuse. Avec des guides très professionnels, nous avons pu, malgré la saison, voir 4 des Big Five ! voir un leopard en chasse fut un grand moment. A cette époque la végétation est dense mais cela donne de magnifiques paysages !
Afric'aventure et Anne sont parfaits pour des voyageurs francophones !

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Countries visited: Tanzania
3People gave this
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France France
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Feb. 2020
Reviewed: Mar. 20, 2020

3People gave this
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YAScore: 72/100
Based on 30 reviews

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