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Safari Explorers

20 reviews
Reviews: 20
Private, custom tours
Group, set date tours
Photos: 6
Main focus: Mid-range
Established: 2014
Headquarters: Tanzania
English, Italian

Offers tours in

Contact info

About Safari Explorers

Safari Explorers is the result of the presence in the area and a collaboration between Italy and Tanzania. We have worked extensively in order to find a professional staff and to create original projects to offer our visitors security, comfort, reliability, experience and friendship. Photographic Safari in Tanzania is a real extraordinary experience for the ones who love travelling in an authentic way and Safari Explorers will make your trip unforgettable.

About our safari vehicles

We have at disposal 4 x 4 Toyota Land Cruiser and Land Rover customized for game driving in the Savannah. On board we have 220 volt plugs and fridge for fresh water and food

"Safari Tarangire - Serengeti - Ngorongoro"

Safari enthusiast
Italy Italy
9 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Visited: Jul. 2017 Reviewed: Dec. 09, 2019

Wonderful experience. A week of safari in Tarangire, Serengeti and Ngorongoro. Perfect organization and a thank you to all the staff, especially Maurizio and Abia (the guide), very helpful and available. Certainly an experience to relive and to recommend to everyone.


Meravigliosa esperienza. Una settimana di safari nel Tarangire, Serengeti e Ngorongoro. Organizzazione perfetta, e un grazie a tutto lo staff, in particolare a Maurizio e Abia (la guida), molto bravo e disponibile. Certamente un'esperienza da rivivere e da consigliare a tutti.

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Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
9People gave this
a kudu

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Italy Italy
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Jul. 2017
Reviewed: Aug. 07, 2017

9People gave this
a kudu

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Safari enthusiast
Italy Italy
11 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Visited: Mar. 2017 Reviewed: Jul. 27, 2020

Fantastic experience. Tough, hard and beautiful. Stunning scenery and the satisfaction of having arrived to the summit. Organization of Safari Explorers PERFECT !!!

Assistance in all, very professional guides (important to avoid surprises on Kilimanjaro), very comfortable lodge in Arusha, accompanied to and from airport. Professionalism and courtesy. Mauritius has really followed us in every step and made us the perfect vacation. Without having foreseen it even arranged a visit to a Masai village for the free morning before leaving. Heartfelt thanks.


Esperienza fantastica. Dura, faticosa ma stupenda. La consiglio a tutti. Paesaggi meravigliosi e la soddisfazione di essere arrivati fino in vetta. Organizzazione di Safari Explorers PERFETTA !!!
Assistenza in tutto, guide molto professionali (importante per non avere sorprese sul Kilimanjaro), lodge ad Arusha molto confortevole, accompagnati da e per aereoporto. Professionalità e tanta cortesia. Maurizio ci ha davvero seguiti in ogni passo e ci ha reso la vacanza perfetta. Senza averlo previsto ci ha anche organizzato una visita ad un villaggio Masai per la mattina libera prima di partire. Grazie davvero di cuore.

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
11People gave this
a kudu

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Italy Italy
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Mar. 2017
Reviewed: Mar. 24, 2017

11People gave this
a kudu

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"Serengeti | Serengheti "

By: Sar
Safari enthusiast
Italy Italy
12 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Visited: Oct. 2016 Reviewed: Jun. 16, 2020

The organization of our trip was great. Readily-available and timely guides and escorts, beautiful and exciting landscapes and great food in Mafia Island!
We highly recommend it !!!

Ci siamo trovati molto bene, buona l'organizzazione, disponibili e puntuali guide e accompagnatori, bellissimi ed emozionanti i paesaggi e ottimo il cibo a Mafia Island!
Lo consigliamo vivamente!!!

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
12People gave this
a kudu

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By: Sar
Italy Italy
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Oct. 2016
Reviewed: Nov. 07, 2016

12People gave this
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"Machame Route "

Safari enthusiast
Italy Italy
10 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Visited: Jun. 2017 Reviewed: May. 07, 2020

Great organization for everything, excellent Kilimanjaro trekking staff and great guide (Abi) for safari in Ngorongoro Crater. Congratulations to Edgard and Maurizio and above all to leading guides and chefs. Five stars all around!

Ottima organizzazione per tutto, staff nel Kilimangiaro trekking eccellente e ottima guida (Abi) per Safari in Ngorongoro Crater. Niente è lasciato al caso tutto perfetto complimenti a Edgard e Maurizio ma soprattutto a guide portatori e chef. Cinque stelle in tutto

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
10People gave this
a kudu

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Italy Italy
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Jun. 2017
Reviewed: Jun. 15, 2017

10People gave this
a kudu

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"A trip, big emotions. Un viaggio, grandi emozioni"

By: Daniela
Safari enthusiast
Italy Italy
13 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Visited: Jul. 2015 Reviewed: May. 06, 2020

A long-desired trip in the great parks of northern Tanzania long was achieved in July.

From the first contact with Safari Explorers the good feeling of having to deal with a team that was "listening" carefully and professionally, and aimed to realize your expectations. There was no mishap: timeliness of transfers, with Egdar which organizes in situ always careful and precise, comfortable lodge, very clean, with friendly and attentive staff, and great food.

A special mention goes to our stay in a tented camp in the Serengeti and the kindness of Alexander and Veruska, managers of the lodge in Ngorongoro.

But the real difference in a safari depends, in our view, by the guide. Our driver, Rodrig, has been essential in helping us meet, often at very close range, almost all animal species in that Eden landscape and biodiversity of the parks of the North, which has known for years, providing us with useful information on the animals, their habits on the local flora and also on the customs and traditions of the local people. All speaking Italian correctly.
Even the jeep was very comfortable, which was partly due to the "privilege" of being the only two people during the game drive!

A journey that will remain in our hearts, thanks to an organization that we felt it was different from the usual tour operator, combining availability, professionalism and "friendship" and contributing to "mal d'Africa" we tried to return!

Un viaggio nei grandi parchi del Nord della Tanzania a lungo desiderato e realizzato a luglio.
Dal primo contatto con Safari Explorers la bella sensazione di avere a che fare con un team che "ti ascolta"con attenzione e professionalità e si propone di realizzare le tue aspettative. Non c'è stato nessun contrattempo: puntualità nei trasferimenti, con Egdar che si occupa dell'organizzazione in situ sempre attento e preciso,lodge confortevoli, molto puliti, con personale attento e disponibile, cibo ottimo.
Un particolare ricordo va al soggiorno nel campo tendato del Serengeti e alla gentilezza di Alessandro e Veruska, gestori del logde nel Ngro-ngoro.
Ma la vera differenza nei Safari dipende, a nostro avviso, dalla guida. Il nostro driver Rodrig è stato essenziale nel farci incontrare, spesso a distanza molto ravvicinata, quasi tutte le specie animali presenti in quell'Eden paesaggistico e delle biodiversità dei parchi del Nord, che conosce da anni, fornendoci informazioni utilissime sugli animali, sulle loro abitudini, sulla flora locale e anche sui costumi e tradizioni della popolazione locale. Il tutto parlando correttamente l'italiano. Molto confortevole anche la jeep, associata al "privilegio" di essere solo in due persone durante i game drive! Un viaggio che ci rimarrà nel cuore,anche grazie a un'organizzazione che ci è sembrata diversa dai soliti tour operator, coniugando disponibilità, professionalità e "amicizia" e contribuendo al "mal d'Africa" che abbiamo provato al ritorno!
Grazie a tutto il team di Safari Explorers!
Giorgio e Daniela

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Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
13People gave this
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By: Daniela
Italy Italy
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Jul. 2015
Reviewed: Jul. 25, 2015

13People gave this
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"On the slopes (and more) of Kilimanjaro / Alle falde (e non solo) del Kilimanjaro."

Safari enthusiast
Italy Italy
71 kudus
Reviews (1)
Visited: Jul. 2015 Reviewed: Jan. 18, 2020

We are Laura and Stefano, a couple from Bergamo.
After we booked our flights, we booked our holiday in Tanzania Safari Explorers.
We had the last week of July and first of August available, so we decided to take part in a trek on Kilimanjaro and devote the remaining time to the safari parks in the north.
The corresponding Italian, Maurizio, was responsible for organizing the whole holiday getting in touch with local guides and provided us with all the necessary information by responding promptly to every request. This for us was critical to the agency's choice because in addition to the professionalism and competence, Maurizio dispelled all our doubts and misgivings.

The trip absolutely lived up to our expectations.

During the trek we were joined by John and Nyanda, two attentive guides who, with their competence and humanity, put us in position to reach the finish line area: the roof of Africa!
We’d be remiss if we did not thank the cook and the group of carriers that have softened our week at high altitude with every possible amenity.
Even in the safari the organization was impeccable. We visited, in this order, Tarangire NP, Lake Manyara NP, Serengeti NP and Ngorongoro Conservation Area.
The guide and Thomas Cook Dotto accompanied us all week in close contact with nature. The days were devoted to research of animals and how to best to observe them. The nights were characterized by an endless starry sky and the exciting sounds of the bush.
In Arusha, the Planet Lodge is a village of upper-middle-class and proved to be a strategic foothold for our movements.
Special thanks to Edgar that was our reference site.
Africa good at all!

Siamo Laura e Stefano, una coppia di Bergamo.
Dopo aver fissato i voli autonomamente, abbiamo prenotato la nostra vacanza in Tanzania con Safari Explorers.
Avevamo a disposizione l'ultima settimana di luglio e la prima di agosto. Abbiamo deciso di partecipare ad un trekking sul Kilimangiaro e dedicare il tempo restante ai safari nei parchi del nord.
Il corrispondente italiano, Maurizio, si è occupato di organizzare l'intera vacanza prendendo contatti con le guide locali e ci ha fornito tutte le informazioni necessarie rispondendo tempestivamente ad ogni nostra richiesta. Questo per noi è stato fondamentale per la scelta dell'agenzia perchè oltre alla professionalità e alla competenza, Maurizio ha chiarito ogni nostro dubbio e perplessità .
Il viaggio è stato assolutamente all'altezza delle nostre aspettative.
Durante il trekking siamo stati affiancati da John e Nyanda, 2 guide attente che con la loro competenza e umanità, ci hanno messo in condizione di raggiungere il traguardo ambito: il tetto d'Africa!
Doveroso ringraziare anche il cuoco e il gruppo di portatori che hanno ammorbidito la nostra settimana in quota con tutti i comfort possibili.
Anche nel safari l'organizzazione è stata impeccabile. Abbiamo visitato nell'ordine il Tarangire NP , il Lake Manyara NP, il Serengeti NP e l'area di conservazione dello Ngorongoro. La guida Thomas e il cuoco Dotto ci hanno accompagnato in una settimana a stretto contatto con la natura. Le giornate erano dedicate alla ricerca degli animali e degli appostamenti migliori per osservarli. Le notti erano caratterizzate da un infinito cielo stellato e dagli emozionanti suoni della savana.
Ad Arusha, il Planet Lodge, è un villaggio di categoria medio-alta e si è rivelato un punto d'appoggio strategico per i nostri spostamenti.
Un ringraziamento particolare a Edgar che è stato il nostro riferimento in loco.
Buona Africa a tutti!

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
13People gave this
a kudu

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Italy Italy
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Jul. 2015
Reviewed: Sep. 29, 2015

13People gave this
a kudu

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"Safari Tanzania"

Safari enthusiast
Italy Italy
10 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Visited: Aug. 2017 Reviewed: Dec. 11, 2019

Safari in Tarangire-Lake Manyara-Serengeti-Ngorongoro. Safari was planned according to our needs and Safari Explorers proved to be flexible. Everything went according to the program and the added value was the guide always available. The car used for the safari was comfortable.

Safari in Tarangire-Lake Manyara-Serengeti-Ngorongoro. Il Safari e stato pianificato secondo le nostre esigenze e Safari Explorers si e dimostrata flessibile. Tutto e andato secondo programma e il valore aggiunto e stata la guida sempre disponibile. L' auto usata per il Safari era confortevole.

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
10People gave this
a kudu

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Italy Italy
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Aug. 2017
Reviewed: Aug. 14, 2017

10People gave this
a kudu

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"Indimenticabile | Unforgettable"

Safari enthusiast
Italy Italy
58 kudus
Reviews (1)
Visited: Aug. 2016 Reviewed: Nov. 01, 2019

My partner and I organized this great trip with Maurizio of Safari Explorers. Due to its availability we could plan the trip to our needs. Personally, we decided to dedicate a day to visit the city and neighboring villages, then ... Tarangire safari, Serengeti and Ngorongoro safari.
We saw the big five and were able to make beautiful photographs and observe the habits of the animals from the savannah. At certain moments I seemed to be in a documentary! Rodrig, our guide, is SUPERBRAVO, competent and prepared thanks to him, the safari was really "beyond."
The organization is excellent: for as long as it is accompanied and served thanks to the presence of a chef (our legendary komba) who prepares all meals buonissimi. Poter eating well is not a thing to be underestimated. We chose the cheapest option of camping. Its facilities are basic but allow you to better enjoy nature up close and make the holiday a little more wild and adventurous! It is good to remember that you are in Africa and that the standards are different, but at the same time you can free up all those "superstructure" that surround us and sometimes suffocate in our house ...
The noise of the tusks of elephants fighting , cheetah mother with cubs , the lion cub playing with the tail of the lion , the lament of the buffalo preyed by lions .... and more!
We concluded our visit some Hadzabe tribe and Datoga. It was fun to be with them and be interesting to see how we can be calm with (apparently) nothing.
Well ... for us it was a holiday full, in so many ways. The feelings and emotions you cannot describe, but just live!
Io e il mio compagno abbiamo organizzato questo magnifico viaggio con Maurizio di safari explorers. Grazie alla sua disponibilità abbiamo potuto pianificare il viaggio sulle nostre esigenze. Personalmente abbiamo deciso di dedicare un giorno alla visita della città e dei villaggi limitrofi,poi...safari!!!tarangire,Serengeti e ngorongoro.questi i parchi visitati. Uno spettacolo!abbiamo avvistato i big five e non solo riuscendo a fare fotografie splendide e potendo osservare le abitudini degli animali della savana da vicino.in certi momenti mi sembrava di essere dentro un documentario!Rodrig,la nostra guida è superbravo,competente e preparato,grazie a lui,il safari è stato davvero "oltre". L'organizzazione è ottima: per tutto il tempo si è accompagnati e serviti grazie alla presenza di un cuoco (il nostro mitico komba) che prepara tutti pasti buonissimi.poter mangiare bene non è certo un aspetto da sottovalutare. Noi abbiamo scelto la soluzione più economica del campeggio. Le aree attrezzate sono essenziali ma permettono di vivere al meglio la natura da vicino e rendono la vacanza un po più selvaggia e avventurosa!è bene ricordarsi che si è in Africa e che gli standard sono diversi,ma allo stesso tempo ci si può liberare di tutte quelle " sovrastrutture " che ci circondano o talvolta soffocano a casa nostra...
Abbiamo concluso la nostra vacanza visitando le tribù hadzabe e datoga. È stato divertentissimo stare con loro ed interessante vedere come si possa essere sereni con (apparentemente) nulla.
Insomma...per noi è stata una vacanza ricca,sotto tanti aspetti. Le sensazioni e le emozioni provate non si possono descrivere,ma solo vivere!

Meet and greet team
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Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
12People gave this
a kudu

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Italy Italy
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Aug. 2016
Reviewed: Sep. 13, 2016

12People gave this
a kudu

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"Ngorongoro and Serengeti: a spectacle of nature!!!"

Safari enthusiast
Italy Italy
58 kudus
Reviews (1)
Visited: Sep. 2017 Reviewed: Sep. 12, 2019

The safari organization was impeccable, from the communication here in Italy to the one in Tanzania during the safari. Very competent driver with excellent knowledge of the Italian language. I would highly recommend a safari tour with Safari Explorers and we will definitely go back to them for the future!

Enrico e Vanessa from Turin, Italy.

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
11People gave this
a kudu

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Italy Italy
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Sep. 2017
Reviewed: Oct. 26, 2017

11People gave this
a kudu

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"Serengeti fantastic adventure"

Safari enthusiast
Italy Italy
13 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Visited: Jan. 2016 Reviewed: May. 14, 2019

When you go on a safari you imagine seeing something beautiful and special. In this safari, all of us, a group of six, were excited about the places and the number of animals we'd seen aided by the incredible professionalism of Rodrick, our driver. He is very attentive and makes you feel safe. He's got an exceptional eye to spot an animal, even if it's hidden in the trees or in the tall grass.
All enthusiasts hope to repeat the experience. Thanks Safari Explorers!

Quando si parte per un safari si immagina di vedere qualcosa di bello e particolare. In questo safari tutti noi, eravamo un gruppo di sei persone,siamo rimasti entusiasti dei luoghi e della quantità di animali visti una bellezza di natura incredibile aiutati anche dalle professionalità del nostro autista Rodrick. Molto attento e ti fa sentire al sicuro sia come guida e come accompagnatore tra l'altro con una vista eccezzionale non gli scappava un animale anche se nascosto tra gli alberi o nella savana.Tutti entusiasti speriamo di ripetere l'esperienza. Grazie a Safari explorers

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
13People gave this
a kudu

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Italy Italy
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Jan. 2016
Reviewed: Feb. 17, 2016

13People gave this
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"Serengeti: leone leopardo elefante bufalo in quantità "

Safari enthusiast
Italy Italy
11 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Visited: Aug. 2017 Reviewed: Apr. 29, 2019

We made the 8-day Safari through the parks of Tarangire, Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro and Serengeti / Natron. It was an intense holiday of emotions and spectacular visions.
Great tour operator for logistic choices, prepared and experienced guides always fast and timely to watch the animals


Abbiamo fatto il Safari da 8 giorni attraversando i parchi del Tarangire Manjara Ngorongoro Serrengeti Natron è stata una vacanza intensa di emozioni e visioni spettacolari.
tour operator ottimo per le scelte logistiche, guide preparate ed esperte sempre veloci e tempestive nell'avvistare gli animali

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
11People gave this
a kudu

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Italy Italy
Countries visited: Tanzania
Visited: Aug. 2017
Reviewed: Aug. 11, 2017

11People gave this
a kudu

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YAScore: 25/100
Based on 20 reviews

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