Genet cat
Viverra genetta
Behavior and diet
Genets are dispersed throughout Africa and are found across a variety of habitats that have dense vegetation. They are related to civets, linsangs, fossas and mongooses and have a long lean body and tail that is normally as long as their body. The greater part of them have a speckled coat, long, banded tails, and vast ears. Genets are nocturnal carnivores and do most of their hunting between dusk and dawn. They hunt small rodents and bats, but may also eat the odd insect. The gestation period of a Genet cat is around 100 days and an average litter size is between one and five young.
Did you know?
- Genets are not felines. They are in the same family as civets.
- Three of the most-likely species of genet to be seen on safari are: common, large-spotted and small-spotted genet.
- Genets have retractable claws.
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